4 Blocks to get in the way of being your best self for Adults with ADHD

It is not a secret that what holds us back from being our best self is the internal conversation that we have with ourselves. One way to gain Self-confidence is to become fully aware of your thoughts and their impact on your life. Here is a breakdown in 4 categories and how to coach yourself out of these blocks.  I go into details in this episode, here is a summary:
Can you relate to these thoughts?

I am not good enough to ask for that promotion. Others are more qualified than me!
My brain won’t keep up with me if I ask for more challenging, creative projects.
I want to be like the rest of my colleagues. They don’t have the same challenges as I do. They can focus, sit still, and do their work. I can’t possibly do that!
Everyone is expecting me to be a strong leader and always solve their problems. After all, I am the Business owner and should have all the answers.

4 Energy blocks that hold you back from being your optimal self
Limiting Beliefs – something that you accept about life, yourself, and your world or the people in it that limits you in some way.
Ask yourself where this thought came from and how is it serving you to get to your truth.

What is the cost to continue to have this belief?

Interpretations – an opinion or judgment that you create about an event, situation, person, or experience and believe to be true.
To overcome this block, ask yourself, what is another way that I can look at this situation? What would someone else say about this?
Assumptions – because something has happened in the past, it will happen again
Just because it happened in the past, what facts do you have that it will happen again?
Gremlins – Your inner critic that tells you, in one way or another, that you’re not good enough
What is the thought, emotion that I am feeling now, and what action am I taking? How is this thought, emotion, and action, helping me towards my goals and being my best self?  What is a positive Thought and Emotion that I can have to move me closer to my goals?
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