Adult Diagnosis of ADHD: Understanding the Six Perspectives and Implications
There are the 6 perspectives of late in life diagnosis of ADHD for professionals/entrepreneurs ⠀⠀
My ADHD is:⠀
1. holding me back from living my life Victim ⠀
2. best under stress, I don’t want to change Resist⠀
3. it is what it is! I am doing the best I can Rationalize ⠀
4. putting my needs first for once and take care of me! Self – Compassion ⠀⠀
5. finding out how I can make the most of my brain Opportunity⠀
6. I am the creator of my own destiny, I choose to take charge of my brain Creator⠀
I am sure you can relate to each of these lenses/perspectives but … ⠀
which one has the most energy for you and is leading your emotions/behavior? ⠀⠀
Well, there is a way to measure this and once I learned about my actual perspective and how it was impacting me it was a game-changer on how I manage my ADHD. ⠀
You’ve taken personality tests… but now it’s time for an attitudinal assessment. ⠀You’re probably familiar with personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram. ⠀
These valuable tools can help you understand your strengths, embrace your weaknesses, and discover how you can work to your full potential. In that way, they typically support a “work with what you have” approach to adapting your behavior and pursuing personal excellence. ⠀⠀
I have been using an effective tool to truly measure how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life (it shows which number is their primary perspective) then we start the work to move to the next level. Just one level of shit can make a huge change in their life.
As part of my coaching process, I use an assessment that has been a critical part of creating Transformation for my clients who are able to move past their diagnosis and harness the assets of their ADHD brain. ⠀
If you want to know more about the Energy Leadership Index Assessment go to or book a call with me to learn more. ⠀