Feel the fear and do it anyway! | Guest: Tracy Otsuka

This is one jam-packed episode with the one and only, Tracy Otsuka host & producer of “ADHD for Smart Ass Women” podcast. 
She shares with me her journey from being a Lawyer to a successful business owner, Realtor, proud mama of two and much more.  Most of her life she accomplished so much without even knowing she had ADHD until she was diagnosed late in life.  She shares tips on focusing on your strength,  self-care, power of intuition and much more.  She is one driven woman ready to change the stigma around ADHD and support Smart Women who are ready to tap into their strengths and beyond. 
about Tracy Otsuka:
“I’m committed to changing the conversation around ADHD. When I was diagnosed eight months after my son, my entire life suddenly made perfect sense but all I heard about was everything that my ADHD brain SHOULD be struggling with when in fact I would come to learn that my ADHD is responsible for some of my greatest superpowers. Join me.”  you can listen to here podcast on https://www.tracyotsuka.com/podcast-page-two
find out more about Tracy on https://www.tracyotsuka.com/blog

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