How to stay calm in times of big emotions | Guest: Dr. Jody Carrington
Get ready for a jam-packed episode full of light bulb moments with, its funny, loud, and extremely informative. Get your note pad ready cause you want to take notes on – Emotional regulation, Trauma, you are wired for hard times!
I talked with my special guest Dr. Jody, she is a dynamic speaker, with so much passion and loads of powerful messages. She talks about emotional regulation, “how to stay calm in times of big emotion”. How to manage our emotions we when are losing our mind. Due to our unique wiring, we tend to lose our minds much quicker and have a hard time managing our emotions.
She gives a few tips on how to manage our emotions (name it to tame it) and also how to teach it to our children.
We also talked about trauma and the impact on the neurodiverse brain. She talks about the 10 experiences that could cause trauma before the age of 18 and how it can affect you in adulthood. This portion of the episode is a must listen to.
Be sure to listen to the end as she has a very important message for adults with ADHD.
You will want to listen to this episode a few times, it is that informative and engaging.
How to stay calm in times of big emotion
About Dr. Jody Carrington:
Over the past 15 years, Dr. Jody Carrington has assessed, treated, educated, and empowered some of our most vulnerable and precious souls on the planet. She is a child psychologist by trade, but Jody rarely treats kids. The answer lies, she believes, in the people who hold them. Especially when kids have experienced trauma, that’s when they need big people the most. Some of her favorites include educators, parents, first responders, and foster parents. Jody has shifted the way they think and feel about the holy work that they do.
Before Jody started her own practice and speaking across the country, she worked at the Alberta Children’s Hospital on the inpatient and day treatment units where she held families with some of the difficult stories. They taught her the most important lesson: we are wired to do hard things. We can handle those hard things so much easier when we remember this: we are wired for connection.
This all started when Jody received her Bachelor of Arts with Distinction from the University of Alberta. She completed a year-long internship with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during that time and worked alongside families struggling with chronic illness at the Ronald McDonald House. She received her Master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Regina and completed her Ph.D. there as well, before completing her residency in Nova Scotia.
Her first book, Kids These Days: A Game Plan for (Re)Connecting with those we Teach, Lead & Love, came out in 2019 and sold 20,000 copies in just three months. It is now on Amazon’s Best Sellers List. Mentioned References: Dan Seigel – Dr. Dan Siegel’s Hand Model of the Brain – Dr. Vincent Felitti – Uxp5YHEdzzrrSAfVAzIL