Overcoming Negative Self-Talk During Major Life Events: Strategies and Tips for ADHD Brains
If you ever caught yourself in that place of “should I stay or should I go” when it comes to your professional career or changing business ventures this episode is for you.
The inner critic or as I like to refer to it “the Gremlin” shows its ugly head to really keep up stuck when we are ready to make a move. As I continue my work with high performing professional and successful entrepreneurs there is one major theme that continues to show up. Unaddressed negative self-talk. Regardless of how kick-ass you have been and how far you have come, if you have not done the deep work to really tame the inner critic, it will show it’s ugly head at times when you about to make a big leap into your next kick-ass adventure.
In this episode, I share with you some of the ways you can tame the beast and to really evaluate why it was even there in the first place.
Recently I have seen a peak in my listeners, I want to welcome you to my show and also to let you know how much I appreciate that you take the time to list to my stream of thoughts.
I invite you to DM me on Instagram ProudlyADHD_coachCathy with your questions. I will respond to you either directly or through an episode such as this one. In fact, this episode was inspired by a question sent by one of my listeners.