Psychiatric Evaluation

A psychiatric evaluation is essential for addressing mental health issues, whether you’re dealing with symptoms like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, concentration challenges, or mood swings. Regardless of the specific challenges you face, the significance of this evaluation cannot be overstated.

During the evaluation, we assess various aspects of your mental well-being, including cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioral factors. This process typically involves symptom evaluation, psychiatric interviews, baseline establishment, and potential lab tests. These assessments provide a comprehensive understanding to guide personalized care throughout your treatment journey.

This comprehensive approach explores various dimensions, such as your family and psychosocial mental health history and your overall functioning across different life domains. Undergoing a psychiatric evaluation before beginning mental health treatment offers numerous benefits:

  • Accurate diagnosis
  • Effective treatment
  • Prevention of complications
  • Better relationships

Psychiatric evaluations offer clear benefits, including accurate diagnoses and tailored, effective treatments. For children, these evaluations help identify and treat disorders early, preventing serious issues.

The evaluation aims to create a personalized treatment plan, which may include medication, short-term therapeutic techniques, coaching, or psychoeducation. Combining medication with therapy often works best. If more intensive or specialized therapy is recommended on a weekly basis, I can assist in finding an appropriate therapist. My commitment is to establish a trusting therapeutic relationship and collaborate with your therapist from the start of your treatment, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive care you need.

How it works?

During a psychiatric evaluation, we assess various aspects of your life without judgment, including:

  • Your previous psychiatric and medical history.
  • Your psychosocial and social history.
  • Your family’s medical and mental health history.

For evaluations that may involve medication, having a comprehensive list of all psychiatric medications, doses, and timelines, along with any positive or negative experiences, is incredibly helpful. Please make an attempt to gather this information prior to your evaluation.

To simplify the process, I provide user-friendly intake documents through your patient portal when you schedule an appointment. Typically, a psychiatric evaluation lasts about 90 minutes, with a minimum of 60 minutes for straightforward cases. Please plan accordingly.