487 | May 2023 Live Q&A with ADHD reWired!
Join the ADHD reWired Team every second Tuesday of the month for our monthly Live Q&A! Get this episode uninterrupted by ads when you become a Patron at $5.00 a month or more by going to adhdrewired.com/Patreon! Questions/Topics: [00:01:06] Welcome & introductions [00:02:03] A listener, who was diagnosed with ADHD within the week of the recording of this episode, asks the panelists about taking stimulant medication. [00:08:51] “When you are trying to be open with your job or others about your ADHD, how would you handle your response?” [00:19:29] Another listener who was also recently diagnosed with ADHD asks, “What is your advice? How do you work with a leader at work who is very linear and very neurotypical when your best comes out when you’re not?” [00:28:00] “I have autism. Is it true that ADHD drugs tend to not work for autistic patients? Do we have any possible reasons why, if it’s true?” [00:34:05] A listener, who has treatment-resistant depression, is unable to take ADHD medication, and has been experiencing fatigue, asks the panelist if fatigue is an ADHD symptom. [00:41:29] A listener asks the panelists to recap the good sides of ADHD. 🌟 Have you heard about our Adult Study Hall Community? Go to adultstudyhall.com to join our ADHD-friendly body-doubling community! 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired’s award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!