521 | Trans, Queer, AuDHD, and Transitioning – with Emerson Jordan-Wood

In this episode, Emerson Jordan-Wood joins Eric–in person at ADHD reWired HQ–on the podcast!  Emerson is a 27-year-old queer, non-binary, trans human. They are originally from Illinois, but have lived brief stints in Iowa, Texas, and most recently Minnesota! They studied civil engineering at The University of Iowa currently work in non-profit construction. Emerson was diagnosed with ADHD in 2021, and self-diagnosed with autism in 2022! They’re also an active Alumni member of ADHD reWired’s coaching and accountability groups! In this episode, you’ll hear experiences, struggles, and discussions about: “Transitions are hard” and transitioning gender identities  The overlap of ADHD, different means of transitionings, and barriers to access Hoops, hurdles, and executive function nightmares Experiencing gender dysphoria and body disconnect Navigating the medical system and knowing your options “This feels like me.”  “Your transition is your transition and it doesn’t have to be based on anybody else’s.” Masking gender, masking as a neurotypical person, then unmaking gender identity Acceptance, freedom, and fully being your authentic self in the world  “I was doing what I thought I ‘should’ be doing.”  Different perceptions of gender, how people respond and interact with those perceptions, and fitting in Experiencing gender privilege and gender discrimination in the workplace Understanding pros, cons, patterns, and social cues between the gender roles  Being misgendered, coming to terms with your identity and doing the work towards acceptance Navigating and learning how to process irritability, anger, frustration, and general emotional dysregulation Struggling with task initiation, living in a constant state of flight, and not “panicking” through life From TikTok to the doctor  Feelings of being unprepared, social expectations, and navigating new environments Social cues, dynamics in conversations, and autism The helpfulness of labels and language to describe different struggles to take action and better communicate 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on how to join our award-winning online coaching and accountability groups!  

519 | Troubleshooting Changes and Interruptions in Routines – with Skye Waterson

In this episode of ADHD reWired, Skye returns to the show!  Skye is an ADHD coach and founder of Unconventional Organization, an international ADHD support service that provides research-backed support to adults with ADHD.  She also has years of experience working in adult education and has studied psychology, sociology, and public health.  Skye was diagnosed with ADHD as a doctoral candidate before making the decision to leave her candidature to work full time on Unconventional Organization.   Find more from Skye: Check out Unconventional Organization at unconventionalorganization.com The ADHD Skills Lab Podcast at unconventionalorganisation.com/theadhdskillslab   In this episode, you’ll hear tips and discussions about: Life updates from Skye with a new addition to the family Accepting when routines need to be altered when life circumstances change Dividing different todos, transitions, and location-basing your tasks  Adjustments, reinforcements, and externalizing routines  Interruptions, picking a task back up post-interruption, and external support Routines to preserve executive functions, transitioning, mental shifting, and adjusting Movement and dopamine to support working memory Dialing down stimulation rather than shutting it off Troubleshooting and problem solving in the moment when an unexpected interruption pops up  Resetting, freezing, and externalized dysregulation vs. internalized emotional dysregulation “I have NO routines at all–where do I start?”  How important is knowing how long each part of a routine takes?  The difficulty of remembering routines and excited vs. working memory Remembering organically vs. being reminded and creating cues Googly eyes? Why not!  AI and smart tools for helping with routines “ADHD is not a skill deficit.” …and more!  Resources & Honorable Mentions  ADHD reWired Episode 449 :: Getting Tasks Done with Skye   Tool: reMarkable at reMarkable.com Check out The ADHD Creatives Podcast with ADHD reWired Coach Kristin Marts! theadhdcreativespodcast.com  🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on how to join our award-winning online coaching and accountability groups!  

518 | It’s Your ADHD, B*tch! and Using Humor as a Tool – with Jonathan Kidder

In this episode, Eric is joined by Jonathan Kidder!  Jonathan is a “kidder”, through and through – bringing comedy through character, as a puppeteer, content creator, and comedian.  His big claim to fame is as a puppet character, Busy the Bee, on Waffles + Mochi on Netflix!  The L.A. Gay Scene knows Jonathan as Miss Phoenix, The Ultimate Party Foul: Poolside Tarot Card reader by Merman Kidder, and through his party portraits he calls “Kidder-atures”, Kidder makes things fun using the power of personification and character to help him keep track of time!   Get the full conversation and an uninterrupted listening experience when you become a Patron at $5 a more at https://www.adhdrewired.com/pateron!  Find even more from Jonathan Kidder: Website :: kidderco.com (click here!) Instagram :: @JWKidder Linkt.ee / jonathankidder ::   In this episode, you’ll hear tips and discussions about: ADHD, sobriety, and humor for functionality  Puppets, time-blindness, and underwear for each day of the week Using your fun, embracing colloquialisms, and addressing your inner critic  Experimentation to find what works for your ADHD management  Not taking oneself too seriously and perfectionism as the enemy of humor “I’m not always able to make-the-funny” and self-acceptance  Ways to make time physical Ways to keep time visual and other tools for managing time blindness Managing our ADHD vs. ADHD managing us  The importance of doing and planning what works for you  Closing loops, resetting, Chakras, and theme-ing your days  Using absurdity and connected ideas to remember things Themes and structuring to help with decision fatigue  Resources & Honorable Mentions  Book :: Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D., and John J. Ratey, M.D. Book :: Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride: A Psychological Study – by Marian Woodman Video :: How to Stimulate Your Brain (DOPA Menu) – Jessica McCabe (HowToADHD) Video :: Trailer to Waffles + Mochi (on YouTube) Video :: Pink Sweat Video Shoot (on YouTube) Movie :: Death to Smoochy Movie :: The Happy Time Murders Movie :: Spaceballs Website :: Internal Family Systems (IFS Institute) at ifs-institute.com Website :: Folkmanis Puppets at folkmanis.com Tool :: Time Timer Original 12” at timetimer.com Pithy Nibbles  “Humor, for me, is a version of pizzazz!” “Humor is about imperfection and change and being present; perfection and perfectionism is, ‘you can’t have perfection and change.’”  “Nobody doesn’t have an ass.”  🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on how to join our award-winning online coaching and accountability groups! 

517 | December 2023 Live Q&A with ADHD reWired

Join the ADHD reWired Team every second Tuesday of the month for our monthly Live Q&A!  If you want to join us live on Zoom, go to adhdrewired.com/events to register!  You can also find bonus questions & answers from past recordings and get an uninterrupted listening experience of this show on Patreon when you become a Patron at $5.00 a month or more!  Check it all out at adhdrewired.com/Patreon!   ⚠️ Our winter season of coaching & accountability groups starts on January 11th, 2024!  Go to coachingrewired.com to find out all the up-to-date information and everything you’ll need before we start!  In this Q&A, you’ll hear tips and discussions about: Navigating around responses and emotions, family dynamics during the holidays, and discussions around ADHD and neurodivergence Overestimating our capacity to get things done and avoiding / overcoming burnout Time management, energy management, and reframing expectations  A strategy for remembering to actually stop your timer when time-tracking Tools/strategies to help with overwhelm, and the role of acceptance and community Using a camera and grid system to organize and declutter a room Emotional regulation practices / A.I. tools and services Intervening to taking breaks even when you “don’t feel tired” and making decisions on a drained brain Cramming for deadlines and zeroing in on sources of procrastination  Hybrid planning and the importance of experimentation  Scope creep, saying no, learning our tendencies, and having a “parking lot” for our ideas Resources & Honorable Mentions Book: Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Tawwab Book: 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam Book: Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee G. Adams Book: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron Website: GoodInside – Dr. Becky (at https://www.goodinside.com) Instagram: Nedra Tawwab @nedratawwab (Author of “Set Boundaries, Find Peace”)  YouTube Video: How to Give Your Brain the Stimulation it Needs (a.k.a. a DOPA Menu!) with Jessica from HowToADHD Adult Study Hall by ADHD reWired at adultstudyhall.com App: Otter.ai   Quotable Remembrances “You’re not the jack-ass whisperer” – Brene Brown  “You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.” – The Minimalists (Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus)  “Novelty is great, but be wise about how you use it.”  “If we don’t have an accurate picture of what’s going on in our macro life, how can we even begin to know what needs to change?” “If you can’t change it, you can change the way you think about it.”  “Am I overcomplicating this?”  “If you don’t know where your boundary is first, you are likely to scope-creep.”  🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on how to join our award-winning online coaching and accountability groups! 

516 | ADHD reWired’s Coaches Round Table

This week, ADHD reWired Coaches Eric Tivers, Kristin Marts, and Brian Entler get together for the first ever round-table discussion!  You’ll hear stories about troubles and tips for how coaches manage their own transitions, how each person leverages the tools in their ADHD toolbelts, the role of novelty, thriving in a crisis, how different times of day affect each coach, and more!   Send your suggestions and ideas of what you’d like to hear from the coaches in future Coaches Round Table episodes to support@adhdrewired.com with the subject line, “Round Table”  You can hear more from Brian, Kristin, and other past guests in all of our recordings of our monthly Live Q&As!  Find show notes to this episode and all past episodes adhdrewired.com/podcast!   More notes on this amazing episode coming soon!  In the meantime, checkout these resources mentioned on today’s show!  Podcast :: ADHD reWired Episode #342 – Transitions, Balancing Work, and Relations – with Adison Smith Podcast :: ADHD reWired Episode #429 – Growth Cycles with Brian Entler Podcast :: ADHD reWired Episode #514 – Introducing: The ADHD Creatives Podcast with Kristin Marts Book :: The One Thing by Gary W. Kellar and Jay Papasan ADHD reWired Coaching :: About Coach Kristin Marts at https://www.adhdrewired.com/coach-kristin-marts   ADHD reWired Coaching :: About Brian Entler at https://www.adhdrewired.com/coach-brian-entler Join our award-winning Coaching & Accountability Groups at coachingrewired.com  If you love the show and want to support our work, consider becoming a Patron at adhdrewired.com/Patreon 

The Art of a Teaser & Coming Soon: The ADHD Creatives Podcast – with Kristin Marts, LCSW

⚠️ Coming soon to your favorite podcast player: The ADHD Creatives Podcast with Coach Kristin Marts, LCSW!  Check out more at 🎉  Who is Kristin Marts? The host of The ADHD Creatives Podcast, Kristin Marts, is a multi-talented individual who works as a licensed social work therapist and ADHD coach. She discusses how ADHD affects creativity, drawing from her experience in the arts world. Kristin also shares her journey from being a dancer to becoming a therapist and her passion for working with children and adults with ADHD. She introduces her podcast, which will feature conversations, guests, and entertainment such as parody songs. Kristin invites listeners to join her on Fridays for new episodes. Want more from Kristin?  Check out these links: ADHD reWired Episode 514 | Introducing: The ADHD Creatives Podcast with Kristin Marts!  ADHD reWired’s Coaching & Accountability Groups: About Kristin

515 | The Entrepreneurial Mind: ADHD, Innovation, and Balance – with Donavan Robinson

This week, Eric is joined by Donavan Robinson! 🍁 Donavan is a father, a husband, and is a proud member of the Red River Métis.  He has embarked on a diverse entrepreneurial journey, founded a marketing agency called “Vantage”, ventured into hospitality with A Little Pizza Heaven and The Good Will Social Club, and supported local artisans through Made Here.  Diagnosed with ADHD later in life, Donavan now focuses on providing tailored resources for entrepreneurs, advocating for personalized approaches to business success.  His career reflects his passion and involvement in the community, emphasizing that success varies for each person.  Donavan champions neurodiverse entrepreneurs, encouraging them to find their unique path in business and in life.  Get in touch with Donavan! Learn more at joinkonekt.com Podcast: Shingles at 40 Podcast   Instagram: @donavanrobinson More notes on this amazing episode coming soon!  In the meantime, checkout these resources mentioned on today’s show!  Resources & Honorable Mentions: Book: A Little Spot of Anger: A Story About Managing BIG Emotions by Diane Alber Website: Vantage at vantagemarketingcanada.com Website: Made Here (in Manitoba) Visit: A Little Pizza Heaven Visit: The Good Will Social Club App: Motion AI    🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired’s award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!

514 | Introducing The ADHD Creatives Podcast – with Kristin Marts LCSW

This week, get to know Coach Kristin Marts a little more as Eric and Kristin share a one-on-one conversation about the role and importance of creativity in her life, her history in dance and musical theater, her journey through ADHD reWired’s Coaching & Accountability Groups, what sparked her to become an LCSW, and how she became a coach!  You’ll also hear about her joy of performing, life as a late-diagnosed neurodivergent mom with neurodivergent kids, and so much more!  And, coming soon: Look out for the FULL trailer of The ADHD Creatives Podcast in your favorite podcast player on or before December 29th!   Find Kristin: On her website at TheADHDCreativesPodcast.com As an ADHD reWired Coach at adhdrewired.com And get in touch with Kristin at kmarts@possibilitiestherapycenter.com Questions/Topics: [00:01:22] Introducing Kristin and sharing her story [00:03:52] Finding coaching and getting involved  [00:07:24] Learning about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) [00:09:20] Thriving in a crisis, improvisation, and perfectionism  [00:11:53] Creativity is “impulsivity gone right” – Dr. Ned Hallowell  [00:12:19] Kristin reflects on her first year of coaching: perfectionism and being yourself [00:16:18] “We are our harshest critics.”  [00:21.44] How the idea of The ADHD Creatives Podcast was born [00:23:23] Introducing a teaser of The ADHD Creatives Podcast trailer [00:24:28] Eric asks about Kristin’s process and experience to create her podcast [00:30:15] Songs, shows, commercials, and a sense of timing  [00:31:56] The experiences Kristin integrates into coaching  [00:36:28] Masking, persona, creativity, forgiveness, and patience  [00:40:53] Thoughts on gifts and superpowers [00:43:34] What inspired Kristin to become an LCSW  [00:50:54] Favorite things about coaching, more about the upcoming new podcast, and closing thoughts   Resources & Honorable Mentions: Book:  The One Thing Join ADHD reWired’s ADHD-friendly online coworking community at adultstudyhall.com! 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired’s award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!

513 | November 2023 Live Q&A with ADHD reWired

Join the ADHD reWired Team every second Tuesday of the month for our monthly Live Q&A!  If you want to join us live on Zoom, go to adhdrewired.com/events to register!   You’ll also find the bonus questions & answers from this recording and can listen in ad-free on Patreon when you become a Patron at $5.00 a month or more by going to adhdrewired.com/Patreon!   Resources / Topics / Honorable Mentions Article: “Sailboat Metaphor” on scottbarrykaufman.com Article: “Why we Need to Evolve Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from a Pyramid to a Sailboat Metaphor” by Kyle Kowalski Book: “No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model” Topic: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs   Topic: Sailboat of Needs Topic: Motivational Interviewing Website: Chat GPT at chat.openai.com Website: IFS Institute (Internal Family Systems) at ifs-institute.com Website/App: Goblin Tools at goblin.tools 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information so you can join us for our upcoming winter season of Coaching & Accountability groups in January 2024!

512 | Creativity for Healing with Melissa Seldon

This week, Eric is joined by Melissa Seldon! Melissa is an artist, librarian-for-hire, and nature lover.  Creating is a predominant part of her mental health and healing process that she is currently working through.  Her art pieces can represent emotions and ideas that the deep and dusty corners of her brain offer up, as well as traits and behaviors that she is attempting to embody. The majority of Melissa’s art has an illustration bent to it and is inspired by nature.  The execution can range from the representational to the fantastical, as well as more stylized designs.  Watercolor is Melissa’s medium of choice, but lately, she has been revisiting metal jewelry, handbuilding with clay, and collage.   Find Melissa on Instagram @apoideastudio Check out Melissa’s website at apoideastudio.wordpress.com Questions/Topics:  [00:01:06] Introducing Melissa [00:02:50] Melissa recaps a tough year at work, advocating, and dealing with anxiety [00:05:29] Asking for accommodations and flexible deadlines  [00:08:07] “Middle school is hard for everyone.”  [00:08:37] ADHD in the workplace and coming out of the pandemic  [00:12:39] Opening up about crippling generalized anxiety [00:18:43] Recovering from burnout and aching for creativity  [00:21:03] “I bought an anvil”  [00:22:50] Art and connecting with a creative longing  [00:24:36] Creativity to cope with and manage anxiety  [00:25:56] Executive functions and barriers to get started on creative work [00:28:25] Connecting creating with feelings  [00:29:55] The role of subject matter in personal creativity [00:32:17] A discussion on music and albums  [00:39:34] Selling a painting, a gathering gallery space, and The Veiled Crow [00:42:06] The importance of community and choosing ‘now’ to speak up about burnout  [00:45:12] Life in the middle of burnout and recovery [00:47:53] “I’ll do that later”  [00:49:14] Melissa shares her thoughts on success [00:51:57] “If you could change one thing…” [00:55:25] “We have to listen to our bodies.”  [00:58:58] Closing thoughts & getting in touch with Melissa Resources & Honorable Mentions: Shop: The Veiled Crow Music: Nightfall in Middle Earth 🌟 Have you heard about our Adult Study Hall Community? Go to adultstudyhall.com to join our ADHD-friendly body-doubling community! 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired’s award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!